Silvia Seorang pelajar yang hobi menulis mengenai teknologi dan pendidikan serta ingin menjadi blog yang bermanfaat untuk masyarakat di Indonesia

Aplikasi Edit Foto Menjadi Gambar Lineart Keren Gratis

In today’s era, editing photos has become a common practice. People love to edit their pictures to make them look more stunning. There is one type of photo editing that has gained a lot of popularity in recent years, which is lineart editing. Lineart is a type of image that uses only black and white lines to create a beautiful and unique image. In this article, we will discuss the best free applications to turn your photos into cool lineart images.

What is Lineart?

Lineart is an image that is created using only black and white lines. It is a unique style of art that can give your photos a stunning look. Lineart is widely used in comic books, manga, and anime. Many artists create their artwork in lineart style, and it has become a popular trend in recent years.

Why Use Lineart?

Lineart can give your photos a unique and artistic look. It is a great way to add depth and detail to your images. Lineart can also create a vintage or retro look that is very popular these days. By using lineart, you can turn your ordinary photos into stunning works of art.

Best Free Lineart Editing Applications

There are many applications available that can turn your photos into cool lineart images. Here are some of the best free applications:

  1. PhotoScape – A great application that offers a variety of editing tools, including lineart editing. It is easy to use, and you can create stunning lineart images in just a few clicks.
  2. GIMP – A powerful image editing software that offers lineart editing and many other features. It can be a bit difficult to use for beginners, but it is worth learning.
  3. Inkscape – A vector graphics editor that can be used for lineart editing. It is easy to use and offers a variety of tools to create stunning lineart images.

How to Create Lineart Images?

Creating lineart images is easy with the right application. Here are the steps to create lineart images using PhotoScape:

  1. Open PhotoScape and select the photo you want to edit.
  2. Click on the ‘Editor’ tab and select the ‘Lineart’ option from the left panel.
  3. Adjust the settings to your liking, such as line thickness and contrast.
  4. Click on the ‘Save’ button to save the image.

Tips for Creating Stunning Lineart Images

Here are some tips to help you create stunning lineart images:

  • Choose the right photo – Not all photos are suitable for lineart editing. Choose a photo with good contrast and clear lines.
  • Experiment with different settings – Try different line thickness and contrast settings to create a unique look.
  • Use layers – Use layers to create different effects and add depth to your image.


1. Can I create lineart images on my phone?

Yes, there are many applications available on both iOS and Android that can turn your photos into lineart images.

2. Do I need to be an artist to create lineart images?

No, anyone can create lineart images with the right application and some practice.

3. Can I use lineart images for commercial purposes?

Yes, you can use lineart images for commercial purposes, but make sure you have the rights to use the original photo.

Silvia Seorang pelajar yang hobi menulis mengenai teknologi dan pendidikan serta ingin menjadi blog yang bermanfaat untuk masyarakat di Indonesia

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